Back on April 26th, 2023, the number one seed Milwaukee Bucks were surprisingly eliminated in five games by the eighth-seeded Miami Heat. Following the game, Bucks superstar and two-time MVP Giannis Antekuonmpo, was asked the lazy question of, “Do you consider this season a failure?”

Giannis then went on a well-composed rant explaining just how ridiculous the question was. 

Athletes and Coaches are expected or contractually obligated, to field questions from the press. However, the press isn’t held to any standard when it comes to the questions asked or topics broached. Over the years we’ve seen countless bad questions be asked, and this has led to some fantastic rants, tirades, and retorts. 

I was inspired by the Greek Freak to make a list of some of my favorite post/pre-game press moments and give them a score. As a die-hard pro wrestling fan, I’ve learned that when it comes to scoring something people love star ratings. We here at Talent Alone pride ourselves on the details, so I have devised 5 separate categories with each category being worth 0 to 1 star. So let’s see if any of these moments qualify as a legendary 5-star media rant. The categories are as follows:

  1. Strong Emotion – This can include any kind of emotion. Anger, sadness, exuberance, etc. As long as it’s cranked up to eleven you’ll get the star.
  2. Excessive Response – No one likes a bully or a liar, so for this category, we’re looking at whether the response was justified. Did the question or situation preceding it warrant the response?
  3. Quotes/Soundbites – Does the rant include a memorable line or word that becalmed synonymous with it? For example, Jim Mora’s famous and now much-commercialized “Playoffs” rant.  To this day there’s always one person in a group who when they hear that word immediately busts out their best, but probably horrendous, Mora impersonation.
  4. Content – I’m not giving out a star to people who are incoherent or ranting about nothing. To get the full star in this category you gotta come correct with facts, data, or a clear message. Or at least be very entertaining. 
  5. Context – Rants coming at the times of big games or in the midst of drama hit more than a 9-year vet LB in mini camp sayings he’s in the best shape of his life.

Mike Gundy Sends Message – September 22nd, 2007

Following a wild 49-45 win over Texas Tech in 2007, then coach of Oklahoma St. Mike Gundy came into his post-game press conference less than happy. The source of his anger was an article posted in the Oklahoma newspaper that covered the team’s decision at QB. Gundy did not appreciate some of the comments about the players in the article and would go on a fired-up rant most famous telling the media not to go after some kid come after him proclaiming, “I’m a man! I’m 40!”. Gundy walked out after his rant and was met by applause from the media.

  1.  Strong Emotion Gundy was amped up right at the start and it just built throughout up to the crescendo ⭐️
  2. Excessive Response –While there is no question preceding it, the drama and newspaper article surrounding the QB situation made this justified ⭐️
  3. Quotes/Soundbites – Easy star here. The only upside ten years from now when I turn 40 is going to be able to spend the day inebriated constantly yelling, “I’m a man! I’m 40” ⭐️
  4. Content – First things first, Mike Gundy did have a clear message to this rant and an important one,  A lot of time the media and fans can say harsh things about collegiate players and forget the fact that they’re talking about college students. Young adults yes, but in many ways still just kids. Do you want to tear someone down? Tear down the coaches, or the scouts for doing a poor job. Don’t go after an 18-21 year old who is still trying to find his way in the world.  However, he was so fired up he was kinda all over the place. So it’s a split star. ½ Star
  5. Context – As I mentioned above the rant came after a big win against a conference rival and one of the best college football games of that decade. A game in which QB Zac Robinson totaled 327 yds and 4TDs. Despite that Gundy still opened the presser defending bench QB Bobby Ried. During the BCS era, one loss could end your chances at a national title. On top of that, a conference loss could cost you a shot at the Big 12 title and one of the Big 6 bowl games. Each game in a college football season has increased stakes and contexts ⭐️

Total Score: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 

David Fizdale Goes After the Refs – April 17th, 2017

No one likes referees. Not the fans, the players, or the coaches. It’s a thankless job really. When refs make a bad call they never hear the end of it. When they make the right call the sentiment is, well it’s about time they did their job. So it’s not rare for a player or coach to throw shade at the referees in a post-game interview. David Fisdale though, came correct, he came with facts. Following a game 2 loss to the San Antonio Spurs in the first round of the 2017 playoffs, Fizdale, then head coach of the Memphis Grizzlies sat at the podium, box score in hand, ready to unleash the lopsided foul numbers. The young NBA head coach made it clear he felt the refs were favoring legendary Spurs head coach Greg Popovich, and league superstar Kawhi Leonard. He made it clear he wasn’t going to take unfair treatment due to his newer status in the league telling the refs “They’re not going to rook us!”. Fizdale would sign off his epic rant by hitting the table and giving us the great sound bite, “Take that for data!”.

  1. Strong Emotion Fizdale came in fired up and ready to roll. He also had that pumped-out chest kinda energy. ⭐️
  2. Excessive Response – This one’s a little up for debate. There’s no way to know for sure if the refs were favoring the Spurs Most losing teams have beefed with the calls refs make, but the fact that Fizdale came with the stats to back up his claim justifies it. ⭐️
  3. Quotes/Soundbites – Another rant with great Sound Bites. Whether it’s “don’t rook me” or the closing “take that for data”. The latter of which I can’t help but say after telling anybody a sports statistic. ⭐️
  4. Content – Fizdale was fired up but well-composed. He had a clear point to his rant. The refs were terrible. ⭐️
  5. Context – To fans of the Grizzlies, a round one playoff game is a big deal, but when looked at from a larger view, not the biggest context to this one.

Total Score: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Tortz vs Brooksie Rivalry

John Tortorterella has never been known as the most entertaining or friendly when it came to the press. He’s very matter-of-fact, and says what’s on his mind, but can also be rather ornery too. This led to many cranky interviews where Tortorella wouldn’t give much in the way of informative answers. While many reporters would just get what they could and move along, Larry Brooks would not. Tortorella clearly had zero patience for the guy, but to Brooksie’s credit, he didn’t back down when it came to verbal sparring with the Stanley cup winning coach. There are many options to choose from when it comes to these two, but I’ll go with the one that seemed to get the most heated. Tortorella continued to respond to inquiries about his team’s performance in a 3-0 playoff loss saying, “We know what we did.” Brooks finally quips, “What did you do?” Talk about poking the bear. Tortz would blow off another question shortly thereafter leading to a tense back and forth ending with a gentlemanly exchange of f-bombs. 

  1. Strong Emotion Tortz isn’t exactly full of energy when talking to the press. Even when he gets into it with reporters he keeps a pretty even-keeled tone. But there is definitely a noticeable emotion of aggravation. ½ Star 
  2. Excessive Response – There’s clearly a history between these two men. As you saw in the one video, Torts cuts off Brooksie right off the bat refusing to answer his questions.  While entertaining, Tortorella can be pretty harsh. However, it is understandable that a reporter could start to wear on a coach if they find their questions or reporting continually lacking, so I’ll split this one down the middle. ½ Star
  3. Quotes/Soundbites – There are aspects of this that I crack up laughing at but nothing that’s really a signature quote. No star
  4. Content – Seeing a coach/player and reporter go at will always be entertaining. ⭐️
  5. Context – A first-round playoff game 5 is the highest stakes, but I will contend that the history between the men gives added context. ½ Star.

Total Score: ⭐️⭐️1/2 

Don’t Come at Jim Calhoun About His Salary – February 21st, 2009

Jim Calhoun served as the Head Coach of the UConn Huskies Men’s Basketball team from 1986 to 2012. The team experienced great success under Calhoun, including three NCAA Championships. As one would imagine, Calhoun had earned himself a pretty good salary. During a press conference with the media in 2009 a freelance journalist by the name of Ken Krayeske decided to go after Calhoun for his salary, attempting to connect it to the state’s budget deficit. When Calhoun got aggravated by the topic having nothing to do with basketball, Krayeske took a shot at the reporters in the room saying “If these guys would cover this stuff then I wouldn’t have to” The highlight of the moment is audible groans and jeers from the people in the room. Calhoun made quick work of shutting down Krayeske pointing out the millions of dollars his program generated for the state-run University. 

  1. Strong Emotion Calhoun starts out calm and even makes a lighthearted joke in his response to his salary. His tone quickly shifts as he gets irritated by the topic and lets out a burst of aggravated emotion. ½ Star
  2. Excessive Response – Krayeske’s line of questioning had nothing to do with basketball and had no context at the post-game presser. On top of that, he clearly went in a direction to make Calhoun look bad. The UConn head coach’s response was fair.⭐️
  3. Quotes/Soundbites – While most people remember this moment for Calhoun telling Krayeske to, “Get some facts.” But as I mentioned above the memorable soundbite for me is the groans from reporters in attendance. ½ Star
  4. Content – Jim Calhoun had a good defense for the salary he had earned, and it’s always fun to see someone get put in their place for asking a dumb question. ⭐️
  5. Context – No real important context to this one as it took place following an early regular season game. No star.

Total Score: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Allen Iverson Just Wants to Talk About the Game – May 7th, 2002

You don’t need me to give the backstory on this one. It’s one of the most famous post-game rants of all time. Allen Iverson was one of the most lethal scorers of his time. During his time in Philly he indeed, to use his own words, was the franchise player. Don’t waste his time asking questions about practice. If there was ever a time for someone to edit the sunglasses meme into a clip it’s this one. 

  1. Strong Emotion AI’s emotion in this clip isn’t at a fever pitch like others in this article. However, I will contend that it’s his flippant exasperation with the topic that made the rant so endearing. ½ Star
  2. Excessive Response – Iverson clearly felt the topic being covered in this situation was ridiculous, so it’s justified. ⭐️
  3. Quotes/Soundbites – One word. Said 22 times. Practice. ⭐️
  4. Content – The message of this rant was clear with Iverson’s aggravation over all the practice talk overshadowing talk about the loss to the Boston Celtics. It’s also enjoyable to watch as he wins over the room and everybody begins to laugh ⭐️
  5. Context – The strong context here as it came after an early playoff exit a year after the 76ers made it to the finals. ⭐️

Total Score:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 

Nikita Kucherov Gives Zero Fucks – July 7th, 2021

In 2021 the Tampa Bay Lightning ended the Cinderella run of the Montreal Canadiens in 5 games to win their second straight Stanley Cup. Just like the year prior, Lightning right winger, Nikita Kucherov, was in rare form for his post-game interview. Shirtless, and drinking a bud light, he talked up his goalie, and his team, and made sure to take some shots at the Canadiens fans for how they reacted to avoid the sweep in game 4. Who can blame him though? They just won back-to-back ships! It was impressive to see him top

  1. Strong Emotion While Kucherov was very jovial and funny, no really high emotions in this one. No star.
  2. Excessive Response – Do I need to repeat myself? Back-to-back ships. That gives you carte blanche to remove your filter and preach. ⭐️
  3. Quotes/Soundbites – As much fun as this interview was, it doesn’t have any memorable sound bites. It’s mostly remembered for the image of Kucherov shirtless knocking back a brewski. No star
  4. Content – Party Kuch was awesome and managed to comment on a bunch of topics all in response to a question that just asked him how he was feeling at the moment. ⭐️
  5. Context – Last time I’ll say it, I promise. Back-to-back ships boys. Back to back! ⭐️

Total Score: ⭐️⭐️⭐️